Lydia Okello of Style is Style is an inspiration. Not just because of her sense of style, but the Canadian is not, by industry standards, a conventional beauty. But where some may think she falls short, others applaud her for sharing her style - and her experience coming to terms with her looks - on her site:
"I have always, since I can remember, felt as though I was outside the realm of "pretty girls". When I was growing up, my parents, when praising or complimenting me, would say things like 'You're smart' or 'talented' or 'did a good job', which in hindsight, was probably a very good thing. These remarks taught me that I should value my intelligence and talents and not rely on my looks. But on the flipside, those compliments reinforced an idea in my head that I was not beautiful. Although smart and articulate, I would not be considered pretty by the rest of the world. Now, I'm sure this sounds a little melodramatic, but for a long time, this is how I felt. Then came blogging. When I started out posting photos of me in my backyard I was sort of just doing it as an experiment. I was finding many beautiful and real girls who wore the coolest outfits, and I was inspired to try and dress to please myself, just like they were. In the beginning, I wasn't nearly as confident as I am now. But as time passed, and I got compliments and encouragment from random strangers who really had no obligation to boost my self esteem, I started to think that maybe I did have something to offer."
Thrifted sunglasses, triple collared blouse and belt.
Vintage skirt. Jellypop 'Daydream' wedges.

Thrifted blouse, belt and skirt. Coat - Fletcher by Lyell Tights - Urban Outfitters.
Shoes - Catwalk Heels c/o Modcloth.

Thrifted jean jacket, sunglasses and purse. True Value Vintage blouse.

Target tights. Thrifted purse.

Garage Sale dress. Brandless knock off Alexander Wang sunglasses.

Thrifted sequin blouse, belt and skirt. F21 headband.
Drugstore Glittery tights. Old Navy shoes.

"Beauty + Glamour" continued:
"The world of blogging can be kind of overwhelming at times, because you find blog after blog after blog of thin, modelesque (sometimes they are models) girls, who have amazing wardrobes, perfect faces and a seemingly endless wallet. Believe or not, there are many times when I feel doubtful of myself. It could be a rude look from a stranger, or a glance at an ad that makes me think 'I'll never look like that.' And I admit, there are times when I wonder: "Is there a point to me doing this? I mean, I don't look like I just came off a runway, and I'm certainly not wearing Christian Louboutins, Marc Jacobs, or the lastest Mui Mui heels. How can I be an inspiration, or even interesting with such meager means? Would anyone even want to read my blog?" But I think that you lovely readers have shown me that just because someone is of a different background or body type doesn't make their point of view any less valid or interesting. I appreciate every email and every comment, because it makes me believe that there is room for change in the fashion industry, and even in the mainstream. As much as I may wish that I had a doll like pout like Lindsey Wixson or gorgeous freckled skin and red hair like Cintia Dicker, I'm starting to believe that the skin I'm in isn't half bad. I might look different than most of the people around me, but different doesn't have to mean bad. I'm discovering day by day what makes me beautiful..."

Thrifted jacket, scarf, skirt and sunglasses. H&M lace shirt.

Thrifted blouse and scarf (worn as turban head wrap). Co-operative skirt.
Joe Fresh tights. Granny's Bootery boots.

Thrifted blouse and skirt. We Love Colors tights in Yellow. We Who See heels.

Thrifted blazer and tutu. H&M lace shirt.
American Apparel tights. Jellypop 'Daydream' wedges.

The final words chosen for the "Beauty + Glamour" post was a quote that seems as fitting then as it is now:
"Glamour is profound. Glamour is saying: I want to be as beautiful as I can be - to myself first and then to anyone else who has enough sense to see" -Maya Angelou
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I really love this post. I can definitely relate to how she feels about coming across all these amazing women and their blogs and thinking, "what's the point?" but if you love it, stick with it!